What is synonyms for very

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Used for emphasizing the degree of something.

Synonyms of very


As in enhancing an adjective or adverb

Strongest matches:

- extremely

- incredibly

- highly

- particularly

- exceptionally

- remarkably

- unusually

Weak matches:

- quite

- rather

- somewhat

- fairly

- pretty


As in indicating exactness or preciseness

Strongest matches:

- precisely

- exactly

- just

- specifically

Weak matches:

- nearly

- almost

- about

- roughly


slightly, barely, hardly, scarcely, just, marginally, minimally

Usage examples:

1. She was very excited about her upcoming birthday party.

2. The test was very difficult, leaving many students feeling unsure about their performance.

3. He ran very quickly to catch the bus, barely making it on time before the doors closed.

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Frequently asked questions

What are some common synonyms for 'very' when emphasizing the degree of something?

Common synonyms for 'very' include 'extremely,' 'incredibly,' 'exceptionally,' and 'particularly.' Each of these can be used to increase the intensity of the adjective they modify, much like 'very.'

Can 'profoundly' be used interchangeably with 'very'?

Yes, 'profoundly' can be used as a synonym for 'very' in contexts that call for a deep or intense degree of something. For example, 'profoundly affected' can be similar in meaning to 'very affected.' However, 'profoundly' is typically used in more serious or impactful contexts.

Is there a difference between using 'highly' and 'very' before an adjective?

Yes, there is a subtle difference. 'Highly' is often used before certain adjectives where 'very' might not fit as naturally, especially before adjectives that do not typically take 'very,' such as 'respected' (highly respected) or 'recommended' (highly recommended). 'Highly' suggests a high degree or level of something but is more commonly used with adjectives related to quality, value, or intensity that are not purely about size or degree.

What are some synonyms for 'very' that can be used in formal writing or speeches?

In formal writing or speeches, synonyms such as 'exceedingly,' 'remarkably,' 'utterly,' and 'thoroughly' can serve as more sophisticated alternatives to 'very.' These words can elevate the tone of the communication and are particularly useful in academic, professional, or literary contexts.