What is synonyms for provide

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To supply or make available something needed or desired.

Synonyms of provide


As in supply or make available

Strongest matches:

- furnish

- supply

- deliver

- present

- afford

Weak matches:

- offer

- give

- contribute

- extend

- render


As in prepare or arrange in advance

Strongest matches:

- prepare

- plan

- arrange

- organize

Weak matches:

- anticipate

- prearrange

- foresee

- preplan


withhold, deny, take, remove, retract, conceal, refuse, deplete, subtract, withhold

Usage examples:

1. The company aims to provide excellent customer service to ensure client satisfaction.

2. Parents work hard to provide their children with a good education and a happy home.

3. The guide will provide detailed instructions on how to use the new software efficiently.

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Frequently asked questions

What is a more formal synonym for 'provide' that can be used in academic or professional contexts?

A more formal synonym for 'provide' suitable for academic or professional contexts is 'furnish.' This term implies supplying or giving what is necessary in a thorough or formal manner.

Which synonym for 'provide' is best used when referring to supplying food or meals?

The term 'cater' is often used when specifically referring to the provision of food or meals, especially in a context where service is also involved, like events or large gatherings.

Is there a synonym for 'provide' that implies doing so before it's needed?

Yes, 'anticipate' can imply providing something before it is needed, suggesting a proactive approach in supplying or meeting future needs.

What synonym for 'provide' suggests a generous or abundant supply of something?

'Lavish' suggests providing a generous or abundant supply of something, often more than what is necessary, implying a sense of luxury or generosity in the provision.