What is synonyms for states that

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states that

/stəts ðæt/

Declares or asserts a specific piece of information.

Synonyms of states that


As in asserting or declaring something to be true

Strongest matches:

- asserts

- declares

- affirms

- proclaims

Weak matches:

- announces

- avows

- professes


As in indicating or suggesting something indirectly

Strongest matches:

- indicates

- suggests

- implies

Weak matches:

- hints

- intimates

- signifies


As in explaining or making something clear

Strongest matches:

- explains

- clarifies

- elucidates

Weak matches:

- expounds

- delineates

- expatiates


questions, denies, contradicts, refutes, doubts

Usage examples:

1. The United Nations states that all members must adhere to international laws to maintain peace and security around the world.

2. The physics textbook states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction, illustrating one of Newton's fundamental laws.

3. The travel advisory states that tourists should avoid certain areas due to ongoing unrest.

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Frequently asked questions

What is a more formal synonym for 'states that'?

A more formal synonym for 'states that' is 'asserts that.'

Is there a synonym for 'states that' which can be used in legal or contractual contexts?

Yes, 'proclaims that' is a synonym that suits legal or contractual contexts well.

Is there a synonym for 'states that' which implies a level of uncertainty?

'Suggests that' is a suitable synonym when you want to imply a level of uncertainty.

What is a concise synonym for 'states that' that can be used in everyday conversation?

'Says that' is a concise and straightforward synonym perfect for everyday conversation.