What is synonyms for unrelatable

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Not able to be related to or empathized with by most people.

Synonyms of unrelatable


As in not able to be related to on a personal level

Strongest matches:

- unrelatable

- alien

- distant

Weak matches:

- distant

- disconnected

- foreign


As in unintelligible or hard to understand

Strongest matches:

- incomprehensible

- obscure

- enigmatic

- unfathomable

Weak matches:

- unclear

- vague

- ambiguous

- puzzling


As in not able to be told or expressed to others

Strongest matches:

- inexpressible

- indescribable

- ineffable

- untellable

Weak matches:

- uncommunicable

- unshareable

- unmentionable

- unspeakable


relatable, relevant, understandable, pertinent, connected, applicable

Usage examples:

1. Many teenagers find classic novels unrelatable because the themes and settings are far removed from their modern experiences.

2. Despite his efforts to connect with the audience, the comedian's jokes were largely unrelatable, leaving many in silence rather than laughter.

3. As technology advances, some older people feel unrelatable to the new digital world, struggling to understand social media and the latest gadgets.

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Frequently asked questions

What is a common synonym for 'unrelatable' that suggests difficulty in understanding or empathizing?

A common synonym for 'unrelatable' in this context is 'incomprehensible.' This term emphasizes the challenge in grasping the concept or empathizing with the situation or person due to its complexity or unfamiliarity.

Is there a synonym for 'unrelatable' that conveys a lack of connection on a personal level?

Yes, 'alien' is a synonym that conveys a lack of personal connection. It suggests that something is so unfamiliar or different from one's own experiences or feelings that it feels foreign or distant.

What word can be used as a synonym for 'unrelatable' when referring to something that doesn't evoke interest or concern?

'Indifferent' can be used in such contexts. It implies a level of disinterest or apathy towards something, highlighting how the subject fails to evoke any significant emotional response or concern.

For situations emphasizing a lack of common ground or shared experiences, what synonym of 'unrelatable' is appropriate?

'Disconnected' fits well in scenarios highlighting a lack of common ground or shared experiences. It underscores the gap or separation in understanding, feelings, or interests between individuals or groups.