What is synonyms for yes

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An affirmative response or agreement.

Synonyms of yes


Strongest matches:

- certainly

- absolutely

- definitely

- of course

- indeed

Weak matches:

- affirmative

- sure

- yep

- yeah

- unquestionably


no, nay, negative, refusal

Usage examples:

1. When he proposed to her, she said 'Yes!' with tears of joy in her eyes.

2. After reviewing the project plan, the manager gave a firm 'Yes' to proceed with the implementation.

3. The children cheered and shouted 'Yes!' when they learned they were going to the amusement park.

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Frequently asked questions

What are some formal synonyms for 'yes' that can be used in professional emails?

In professional settings, you might prefer using terms like 'affirmative,' 'certainly,' 'indeed,' or 'undoubtedly' as formal alternatives to 'yes.' These words convey agreement or confirmation in a more polished manner suitable for business communications.

Are there any casual synonyms for 'yes' that are more suited for informal conversations?

Yes, in informal settings or casual conversations, you can use words like 'yep,' 'yeah,' 'sure,' or 'absolutely.' These are more relaxed and convey agreement in a friendly manner.

Can 'okay' be considered a synonym for 'yes,' and if so, in what context?

'Okay' can indeed be considered a synonym for 'yes,' especially when it is used to indicate agreement or consent. For example, in response to a question like 'Can you send me the report by this afternoon?' replying with 'Okay' would imply agreement or acknowledgment, similar to 'yes.' However, the context matters, as 'okay' can sometimes convey a sense of reluctant agreement or acceptance rather than enthusiastic consent.

Are there any synonyms for 'yes' that carry a sense of strong agreement or enthusiasm?

For expressing strong agreement or enthusiasm, phrases like 'absolutely,' 'definitely,' 'by all means,' or 'without a doubt' can be used. These expressions convey a higher level of commitment or enthusiasm than a simple 'yes' and are useful for emphasizing your agreement or support for something.