What part of speech is “all”

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the word 'all' can be used as a noun to demonstrate the whole of one's possessions, resources, or energy. Often, it can be used to refer to a group of people or things that have been previously mentioned.

'I gave my all to reach the goal.'

when using 'all' as a noun, it should not be followed by an article.


as an adjective, 'all' is used to describe the whole quantity or extent of a particular group or thing. It emphasizes completeness or entirety.

'all' can be used to describe the entire amount or number of something. It can refer to every member or part of a particular group or thing.

All the cookies have been eaten.

I searched through all the rooms.

All students must submit their assignments by Friday.


the word 'all' can be used as a pronoun, which indicates the number or quantity of a certain thing or set of things, independent of any other thing. For example, 'all of the food' implies the entire amount of the food or that all of the food is considered as a whole unit -- not in parts. When used as a pronoun, 'all' is used without an article (like 'the') preceding it.

1. All these books are mine.

2. They took all of the money.

3. We need to find a place with room for all of us.

it is uncommon to use 'all' as a pronoun in informal writing, so it is generally preferred to use 'everything' or 'whole' to emphasize the idea that something is considered as a whole.


as an adverb, 'all' is used to emphasize the whole extent or quantity of something or to emphasize the entire nature of an action.

'all' can be used to emphasize the whole extent or quantity of something. It can emphasize the entire nature or duration of an action.

The cake is all gone.

She was all dressed up for the party.

They worked all day and night.

the placement of 'all' can change the emphasis in a sentence. For instance, 'I all but confirmed the news' means 'I did everything except confirm the news.' Avoid redundancy. For instance, 'all the entire time' is redundant; use 'all the time' or 'the entire time.'

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