What part of speech is “appositive”

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as a noun in grammatical terminology, an 'appositive' refers to a noun or noun phrase that renames or explains another noun or noun phrase next to it. The appositive provides additional information about the noun it's next to, often adding clarity or detail.

appositives can be essential (restrictive) or non-essential (non-restrictive). Non-essential appositives are set off with commas, while essential appositives are not.

My friend, a talented pianist, will perform tonight.

Her dog Rex is very playful.

The author Jane Austen wrote 'Pride and Prejudice.'

It's crucial to determine whether an appositive is essential or non-essential to decide if it should be set off with commas. Avoid stacking too many appositives together, as it can make a sentence confusing.


the adjective form is less common than the noun form and is typically used in discussions about grammar or linguistic structures.

The appositive phrase in the sentence provides clarity.

In the sentence 'My brother, the doctor, is visiting,' 'the doctor' is an appositive term.

Some writers use appositive structures to add detail to their writing.

The adjective 'appositive' is mainly used in grammatical or linguistic contexts. In everyday language, the noun form is more commonly encountered.

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