What part of speech is “break”

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break is a noun that refers to a physical interruption or pause in an activity, or a fracture of an object caused by external pressure, typically from a collision. It can also refer to a period of rest or recess, as between workouts or classes.

1. She took a break from her studies to get some fresh air.

2. He couldn't stop himself from laughing at the silly jokes, and his friends took a break from their studies so they could join in.

3. He took a break from his job to travel the world.

The noun form of break can also be used to refer to a divergence from a set of beliefs, rules, or business practices. It is worth noting that the plural of break is breaks, as opposed to most English nouns that become plural by adding an 's'.


break can also be an adjective to describe someone or something that is weakened or damaged, typically through excessive use or wear on the body or mind. It can also describe someone or something that has exceeded a threshold imposed by any authority, rule, or habit.

1. The old painting had become too break to be restored.

2. She was so break after the long day’s work that she fell asleep right away.

3. The athletes had been warned not to break any of the rules.

when used as an adjective, break is almost always paired with an object such as body, mind, spirit, or rules. It is worth noting that when used as an adjective, the noun form breaks is used instead of the verb form broke.


break can also be a verb that refers to the act of separating something into pieces through external force, or to end something abruptly. It can also mean to damage something, often by exceeding its limit of tolerance. Additionally, break can mean to disobey, ignore, or violate certain laws, regulations, or rules.

1. He broke the vase while trying to move it.

2. She decided to break off her engagement to her fiancé.

3. They broke the speed limit and were pulled over by the police.

when used as a verb, break can also be used as a synonym for find out or discover; for example, 'She finally broke the truth behind the mystery'. It is worth noting that the verb form of break is never conjugated as broke (past tense) or broke (outsider past tense). Instead, the verb form is always inflected as broke (past tense) and broken (outsider past tense).

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