What part of speech is “calm”

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a noun form of calm is defined as a state of peace, quiet, and tranquillity. It is often used to describe a physical environment, such as 'the calm of the ocean' or to describe a person's internal state, such as 'a calming presence'. When used as a noun, calm is an uncountable noun and generally does not have a plural form.

1. 'I love the morning calm.'

2. 'The baby drifted off into a peaceful calm.'

when used as a noun, calm can also be used metaphorically for inanimate objects, e.g. 'The calm of the mountain.'


the adjective form of calm is typically used to describe a person, place, or thing that is not agitated, troubled, or disturbed. It is often used in a positive connotation to praise something for being stable and composed.

1. 'John kept a calm demeanor in the face of difficult questions.'

2. 'The calm atmosphere of the office was a refreshing change of pace.'

3. 'She had a calm and soothing voice that immediately put me at ease.'

watch out for similar words like tranquil and serene, which may have a connotation of being more peaceful.


as a verb, 'calm' means to make someone or something tranquil and quiet; to soothe or pacify.

'calm' as a verb can be used in both transitive and intransitive forms. In its transitive form, it often takes a direct object (what is being calmed), while in its intransitive form, it doesn't require a direct object.

The mother calmed her crying baby by singing a lullaby.

The winds calmed down after the storm passed.

He tried to calm the angry crowd by addressing their concerns.

the verb 'calm' is often followed by 'down' in colloquial speech, especially in the intransitive form, e.g., 'You need to calm down.' 'Calm' as a verb is different from 'calm' as an adjective. For instance, 'The sea is calm today' (adjective) vs. 'The music calmed my nerves' (verb). When using 'calm' as a verb, it's essential to ensure that the subject and the verb agree in number. For example, 'He calms the horses' vs. 'They calm the horses.'

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