What part of speech is “can-be”

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the modal auxiliary verb 'can' expresses ability, possibility, permission, or request. When combined with the main verb 'be,' it creates a phrasal verb 'can be' and indicates the possibility or potential state of something.

'can be' is used to suggest the possibility that something exists or occurs, the potential state or condition of someone or something, or a general statement about what is possible in certain situations.

The weather in this region can be quite unpredictable.

Depending on the context, the word 'run' can be a noun or a verb.

The paintings can be seen in the museum's main gallery.

'can be' is used for general statements about what is possible. For specific situations, 'could be' might be more appropriate. For instance, 'Dogs can be loyal pets' (general) vs. 'That could be my friend's dog' (specific situation). Don't confuse 'can be' with 'can't be.' The contraction 'can't' means 'cannot,' which negates the statement. For example, 'This can be the right way' vs. 'This can't be the right way.' Remember that 'can' is invariant for person and number. So, whether you're talking about 'I,' 'you,' 'he,' 'she,' 'it,' 'we,' or 'they,' the form 'can be' remains the same.

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