What part of speech is “chronological”

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'chronological' adjective is used to describe a sequence of events or items that are in chronological order or arranged by date. It is often used to contrast with other orders or arrangements.

rules and use cases associated with the word 'chronological' as an adjective often involve the comparison of the order of events or items to another alternative.

The historian presented her research in chronological order.

We reorganized the filing cabinet into chronological folders.

The author kept her chapters in chronological order by date of events.

tips, nuances, and common mistakes associated with using the word 'chronological' as an adjective involve the comparison of the order of events or items to another alternative. When using this word, one must be aware of what the other alternatives are and provide enough context for it to make sense. Additionally, it is important to remember that 'chronological' can also mean 'in terms of the time or order in which something happens.'

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