What part of speech is “clean”

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as a noun, 'clean' is less commonly used but can refer to an act of cleaning.

The car is due for a clean.

I gave the kitchen a thorough clean this morning.

After a good clean, the old lamp looked brand new.

the noun form of 'clean' is less common than its other forms and might sound more natural in British English than in American English.


as an adjective, 'clean' describes something that is free from dirt, marks, or impurities. It can also describe something that is morally pure or free from wrongdoing.

She wore a clean white dress to the party.

His record is clean, with no criminal history.

After the rain, the air felt clean and refreshing.

'clean' can also describe a break or cut that is smooth and even, as in a 'clean break.' It can also refer to something done fairly, as in a 'clean fight.'


as a verb, 'clean' means to make something free from dirt, marks, or impurities.

Please clean your room before going out.

I need to clean the dishes after dinner.

She spent the afternoon cleaning the garage.

'clean up' is a phrasal verb that means to tidy or make neat. 'clean out' can mean to empty a space of its contents or to take all of someone's money or possessions.


as an adverb, 'clean' is used to emphasize the completeness of an action or situation.

The axe cut clean through the wood.

He missed the target clean.

The ball went clean over the fence.

the adverbial form of 'clean' is less common than its adjective or verb forms but is still recognized in specific contexts.

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