What part of speech is “cold”

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as a noun, 'cold' refers to a condition of low temperature or the sensation of low temperature. It can also refer to a common viral illness that affects the nose and throat.

The cold of winter can be harsh in this region.

I caught a cold after getting soaked in the rain.

She doesn't mind the cold and often goes out without a jacket.

When referring to the illness, 'cold' is often preceded by the indefinite article 'a' (e.g., 'a cold'). In the context of illness, 'having a cold' is different from 'having the flu.' The flu (influenza) is generally more severe and might come with additional symptoms like fever, muscle aches, and fatigue.


as an adjective, 'cold' describes the absence of heat or the sensation of low temperature. It can also be used figuratively to describe a lack of warmth in emotions or actions.

The water in the lake is cold.

She gave him a cold stare.

It's a cold day in December.

When describing weather, 'cold' is often paired with nouns like 'day,' 'morning,' or 'night.' In the context of emotions or actions, 'cold' can have negative connotations, implying indifference or lack of compassion.


as an adverb, 'cold' is used less frequently and typically in more specific contexts. It modifies a verb, adjective, or other adverb to indicate doing something without preparation or doing something suddenly and completely.

He read the passage cold, without any prior review.

She went into the exam cold and still managed to pass.

The engine started cold after sitting for weeks.

When used as an adverb, 'cold' often follows the verb it modifies. In contexts like acting or performing, reading or reciting something 'cold' means doing so without any rehearsal or prior familiarity.

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