What part of speech is “coming”

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coming is a noun that describes the action of arriving or the state of being present. It can refer to a particular event or occasion, a person, or a thing, and it can also be used in an abstract or figurative sense.

1. She welcomed his coming with open arms.

one common error associated with the usage of 'coming' is to overuse it. It is best used when it's employed to concretely express the event, person, or thing’s presence or to mark the transition of a specific period or circumstance.


as an adjective, 'coming' describes something that is about to arrive or happen soon. It can also refer to someone who is seen as promising or likely to succeed in the near future.

The coming winter is predicted to be especially cold.

She's the coming star of the theater world, with so much talent at such a young age.

We need to prepare for the coming elections.

'Coming' as an adjective often refers to something imminent or in the near future. It's used to highlight anticipation or preparation for what's ahead. Don't confuse the adjective 'coming' with the verb form. For example

'She is coming to the party' (verb) vs. 'the coming party' (adjective). The phrase 'up-and-coming' is an extended form of the adjective and is used to describe someone who is making progress and likely to become successful or popular soon.

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