What part of speech is “document”

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a document is a noun that means a written or printed source of information, typically one that is stored in an archival system. It can also refer to an electronic document, such as a PDF file. Documents are usually created and maintained by individuals or organizations to communicate information to an audience. Examples of documents include affidavits, bank statements, birth certificates, contracts, court orders, instructions, memoranda, minutes, narratives, notices, proposals, reports, and rules.

'Document' typically refers to a written or printed source of information, such as a letter, report, or contract. It can also be used to refer to non-written sources of information, such as photographs, drawings, or recordings. It usually has a formal connotation, so when used in conversation or informal writing, the word should be used with care. When referring to a document in its written or printed form, it is often used in conjunction with words that indicate the type of information being stored or conveyed, such as 'motion,' 'memorandum,' and 'contract.'

The document contains detailed instructions on filing for a divorce.

The document must be signed by both parties in order to be valid.

I received the document in the mail yesterday.

when referring to a document, be sure to use the proper article (e.g. 'the document' instead of 'a document'). The word 'documentation' should only be used when referring to multiple documents. When referring to an archival document, the article 'the' is usually not necessary.


verb 'to document' means to create a written or printed record of something. It can also refer to the act of capturing something on camera, such as an event or activity. Documents are usually created by individuals or organizations to communicate information or to preserve a record.

'to document' is used when someone or something is actively creating a written or printed record of something. It is often used in conjunction with other words that indicate the type of information that is being captured or communicated, such as 'facts,' 'evidence,' or 'events.' It is most often used in the context of an action, rather than as a descriptor.

Please document every step of the process for future reference.

We will need to document the entire procedure in order to review it later.

Our team is currently documenting the new policy.

when using the word 'document' as a verb, be sure to add an object of the verb. The word 'documentation' should only be used when there are multiple items being documented. When used in the context of capturing something on camera, the correct phrase is 'documenting on camera,' not 'documenting with camera.'

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