What part of speech is “done”

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when used as an adjective, 'done' is describing something that has been completed or done. It often carries a sense of finality and implies that the action can no longer be undone or changed, as in 'It's a done deal'.

when used as an adjective, 'done' is typically used to refer to a task or job that has been finished or completed, as in 'The job is done' or 'She's done her homework'. It is also a type of past participle adjective, meaning that it is used to refer to a past state or condition, such as 'It's done now' or 'She's done with her old job'.

1. I'm done with this exercise, so I'm moving on to the next one.

2. It's a done deal, so there's no going back now.

3. The job is done, so we can finish up here.

when used as an adjective, 'done' typically refers to a state of finality or closure. It is important to note that the word should not be confused with 'doing', which means that something is in the process of being done.


when used as a verb, 'done' is used to communicate that something has been completed, either an action or the process of doing something. This could refer to an achievement of some sort, when we say that 'it's done' or a task has been completed, such as 'I'm done with my homework'. It can also indicate the effect of an action, when the subject has been modified or changed, as in 'She was done with her old job when she started the new one'. The simple past tense of 'do' is 'did' and the past participle is 'done'.

1. We have done creating the plan.

2. She has done with her old job when she started the new one.

when used as a verb, 'done' is often used in informal contexts and carries a casual connotation when spoken. It can also be used to express annoyance, such as 'I'm done with this!'

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