What part of speech is “doubt”

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as a noun, 'doubt' refers to a feeling of uncertainty or lack of conviction.

'doubt' can be used in both countable and uncountable forms. When referring to a general feeling of uncertainty, it's often uncountable. When referring to specific instances or types of uncertainties, it can be countable.

Common phrases include 'in doubt,' 'without a doubt,' and 'cast doubt on.'

There's no doubt in my mind that she's the right person for the job.

If you have any doubts, please ask.

Recent findings cast doubt on the previous research.

'doubt' as a noun often pairs with verbs like 'have,' 'cast,' and 'express.' Be cautious about the prepositions following 'doubt.' For instance, 'doubt about' and 'doubt in' can have slightly different nuances.


as a verb, 'doubt' means to feel uncertain about something or to consider something unlikely.

'doubt' can be used transitively (with a direct object) or intransitively (without a direct object). When expressing negative uncertainty in English, especially in American English, it's common to use 'doubt' in negative constructions (e.g., 'I don't doubt that...').

I doubt he will come to the party.

She doubted my sincerity.

Do you doubt her abilities?

be cautious with double negatives. 'I don't doubt that' means you believe or think it's likely. 'Doubt' and 'suspect' are not always interchangeable. 'I doubt he's coming' suggests you believe he's not likely to come, while 'I suspect he's coming' suggests you think he might come.

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