What part of speech is “dust”

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dust is a noun which refers to fine particles of matter, such as dirt, ash, and sand, which are typically found floating in the air or in a surface layer of a room or environment. It can also be used to refer to any substance in powder form.

1. 'The room was filled with a thick layer of dust.'

2. 'Dust your furniture with a clean cloth at least once a week.'

3. 'Over time, all the dust in the air settled on the windowsill.'

it is important to note that dust does not necessarily refer only to dirt or ash. It can also refer to any type of small particles or substances in powder form, such as flour or powdered sugar. Therefore, one should use the word with caution when referring to a specific type of dust.


as a verb, 'dust' primarily refers to the act of removing dust from a surface. However, it can also mean to sprinkle a fine substance over something. The context in which it's used determines its specific meaning.

I need to dust the shelves; they're covered in a layer of grime.

She decided to dust the cake with powdered sugar for a sweet finish.

Farmers dust their crops to protect them from pests.

The context is crucial for understanding the intended meaning of 'dust.' For instance, 'dust the furniture' implies removing particles, while 'dust the cake' implies adding something. 'Dust off' is a phrasal verb that can mean to clean something (e.g., 'Dust off the old photo albums.') or to bring out something that hasn't been used in a while (e.g., 'Dust off those old dancing shoes and let's go dancing!'). A common point of confusion is the dual nature of the verb, where it can mean both to remove fine particles and to add fine particles. Always consider the context to determine the correct interpretation.

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