What part of speech is “early”

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as an adjective, 'early' describes a noun in terms of its occurrence before the expected or usual time. It can also refer to a period near the beginning of a time frame or sequence.

'Early' can be used to indicate that something is of or occurring in the near beginning of a particular period or sequence.

It can also describe a stage that is not advanced or is near the beginning of a process.

The early bird catches the worm.

We made an early start on the project.

Dinosaurs roamed the Earth in the early Jurassic period.

When 'early' is used as an adjective, it can sometimes carry a sense of nostalgia or reference to foundational stages, especially in historical or developmental contexts. Be cautious not to confuse its adverbial use with its adjectival use. For instance, 'She arrived early' (adverb) vs. 'She took the early train' (adjective).


as an adverb, 'early' describes the timing of an action, indicating that it occurs before the expected or usual time.

Indicating Timing

'Early' can be used to show that an action or event happened before the usual or expected time.

She woke up early to prepare for the meeting.

We arrived early to get good seats.

He always finishes his tasks early.

When 'early' is used as an adverb, it often implies not just timeliness but also preparedness or eagerness. 'Early' as an adverb typically modifies verbs, indicating when the action of the verb takes place.

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