What part of speech is “even-though”

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'even though' is a conjunction used to introduce a subordinate clause in which there is an unexpected or contrasting result related to the information presented in the main clause. It emphasizes a contrast or contradiction between two statements.

similar to 'Although' or 'Though', 'Even though' can often be replaced by 'although' or 'though,' but 'even though' provides stronger emphasis on the contrast.

Even though it was raining, they decided to go for a walk.

She didn't get the job, even though she had all the required qualifications.

Even though I was tired, I stayed up late to finish the project.

'Even though' is used when the information in the subordinate clause is surprising or unexpected in relation to the main clause. While 'even though,' 'although,' and 'though' can often be used interchangeably, 'even though' provides a stronger emphasis on the contrast or contradiction. Avoid using 'but' in the main clause after using 'even though' in the subordinate clause, as 'even though' already introduces a contrast. For example, avoid 'Even though he was late, but he still joined the meeting.' Instead, use 'Even though he was late, he still joined the meeting.'

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