What part of speech is “ever”

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the word 'ever' is used to emphasize the frequency or repetition of an action or event. For example, you can say 'I have ever seen such a beautiful sight' to emphasize the intensity of your experience during the event. It can also be used to express surprise or strong feelings of disbelief or amazement, as in 'I can’t ever believe you would do that!'

1. She has ever been so kind to me since I joined her company.

2. Have you ever seen a movie as good as this one?

3. I can't ever believe you would lie to me like that.

When using 'ever' to emphasize frequency or repetition of an action, it is important to use it with the present perfect verb tense and not with the present simple verb tense. For example, it is correct to say 'I have ever seen such a sight,' but incorrect to say 'I ever see such a sight'. When emphasizing surprise or strong feelings of disbelief or amazement, it is important to use the present simple verb tense, as in the example sentence above.

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