What part of speech is “few”

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the word 'few' is used to modify or describe a noun or pronoun, and it indicates a small amount. For example

'You will need a few supplies for this task.' It is often paired with the word 'only' to signal something is limited, as in

'I had only a few left.' It is used in comparison with another quantity, as in

'I have fewer problems than I had.'

Few is used to describe countable nouns, or things that can be tallied. Few is used to make comparisons between amounts, often with the words more or fewer. Few is often paired with the word only to indicate something is limited in quantity.

1. We managed to escape with just a few of our belongings.

2. You will only need a few tools to finish the project.

3. There were fewer students in attendance than usual.

'Few' and 'Little' have similar meanings, but there is a subtle difference between them. Fewer refers to quantities that can be counted, and little refers to quantities that cannot be counted. For example 'I have little money' (not countable), but 'I have fewer coins' (countable).


As a pronoun, 'few' is used to refer to a small number of people or things without specifying exactly which ones. It stands in place of a noun and emphasizes a limited quantity.

Few were present at the meeting.

She has visited many countries, but few have left a lasting impression on her.

Few understand the complexities of the situation.

'Few' as a pronoun often has a more negative connotation than 'a few.' For example, 'Few came to the party' suggests disappointment in the turnout, while 'A few came to the party' is a more neutral statement. When 'few' is used as a pronoun, it doesn't specify the exact number but emphasizes the limited nature of the quantity.

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