What part of speech is “force”

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as a noun, 'force' primarily refers to strength or energy as an attribute of physical action or movement. It can also denote a group of people organized for a particular activity or a particular influence or principle.

used for referring to physical power or strength; indicating a group organized for a specific purpose, especially in military or police contexts; describing an influence that causes a change.

The force of the wind knocked over the trees.

The police force was called in to manage the crowd.

She became a force to be reckoned with in the business world.

'force' can be used in various contexts, from physics (e.g., gravitational force) to more abstract concepts (e.g., a force of nature or a driving force). It's essential to differentiate between 'force' as a physical concept and its use to describe organized groups or influences.


as a verb, 'force' means to make someone do something against their will, or to achieve or bring about something through effort.

used for describing the act of making someone do something against their will; indicating the act of pushing or breaking through using strength.

Achieving something through effort or intensity.

The intruder forced the door open.

She forced herself to stay awake during the lecture.

The company was forced into bankruptcy due to financial mismanagement.

'force' as a verb often carries a sense of coercion or intensity. It's important to be cautious when using 'force' in contexts that might imply undue pressure or lack of consent. The phrasal verb 'force out' can mean to make someone leave a position or job.

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