What part of speech is “found”

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verbs depict actions, states, or occurrences. 'Found' as a verb refers to the action of establishing or setting up, especially an institution, organization, city, or company.

'Found' is the past tense and past participle of the verb 'find.' However, when used to mean 'establish' or 'set up,' it's a base form derived from the Old French 'fonder' and Latin 'fundāre.' It's essential to differentiate between these two verbs. The verb 'found' (meaning to establish) is typically transitive, meaning it needs a direct object. The object is usually the thing being established or set up.

Steve Jobs founded Apple in 1976.

The city was founded in the 16th century by colonists.

She founded a nonprofit organization to help underprivileged children.

After years of research, he founded a tech startup that revolutionized the industry.

The ancient Romans founded many settlements across Europe.

Be cautious not to confuse 'found' (to establish) with 'found' (past tense of 'find'). For instance, 'I found my keys' (discovered) vs. 'She founded a club' (established).

The verb 'found' can be complemented by various phrases to provide more detail, e.g., 'found on' (based on certain principles or ideas), 'found for' (established for a specific purpose).

Another noun derived from this verb is 'founder,' meaning a person who establishes an organization, institution, or city.

A common error arises from the confusion between 'founder' (one who establishes) and 'flounder' (to struggle). Ensure that you use the correct verb based on the context.

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