What part of speech is “game”

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when used as a noun, 'game' typically refers to an activity involving skill, competition, and/or entertainment.

rules and use cases associated with this particular noun include the use of both singular and plural agreement. For example, 'game' can be used in the sentence, 'A new board game has been released,' or in the sentence 'There are five new board games for sale this week.'

1. A game of chess is a great way to pass the time.

2. Video games have become a popular form of entertainment.

3. Many children love playing games outdoors.

common tips associated with this part of speech include remembering to use the appropriate form of 'game' (singular or plural) and to include an article before the noun when necessary.


a verb is a part of speech that typically denotes an action or a state of being. The role of the verb is to express an activity, happening, condition, or existence. When used as a verb, 'game' usually means to pretend or to tease.

rules and use cases associated with this particular verb include being able to use it either transitively (taking a direct object) or intransitively (not taking a direct object). For example, it can be used in the transitive sentence 'Suzie gamed the system' or in the intransitive sentence 'Suzie gamed all night.'

1. The cat gamed his toy mouse for hours.

2. My brother enjoyed gaming his friends.

3. We gamed on the playground until the sun set.

common tips associated with this part of speech include remembering to use the proper conjugation of the verb depending on the subject of the sentence.

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