What part of speech is “help”

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The noun form of 'help' is a common, uncountable noun. It refers to the act of providing assistance to someone, either with a task, or in a more general what-ever-they-may-need kind of way. It can also refer to the assistance itself.

'Help' is used when referring to support that someone needs in order to do something. It can be used to refer to physical assistance, or a more abstract kind of assistance.

1. We need a little help to finish painting the kitchen.

2. Homeless people need some help to find shelter this winter.

When 'Help' is used as a noun, it is usually followed by a direct object, such as a person, task, or object. For example, we can say 'He needs help,' but we cannot say 'He needs helping.'


verb is a type of word used to indicate an action, occurrence, or a state. In this case, 'help' is a transitive verb that shows an action by one subject on another. This action is the act of providing assistance or aid that can benefit the person being helped.

'Help' can be used to describe the act of providing assistance or aid to someone or something. It can also be used to indicate that something is made easier or better. 'Help' can be used as a modal verb, often followed by a base form of another verb, to indicate that something facilitates an action.

1. Can you help me with this work?

2. She helped us to learn the language quickly.

3. We helped the injured man by calling an ambulance.

When 'help' is used as a verb, it often implies a sense of moral or ethical obligation, especially when used in negative sentences like 'I couldn't help but notice.' 'Help' can be followed by either 'to' + infinitive or just the infinitive, especially in American English. For example, both 'help to do' and 'help do' are generally acceptable. Be cautious with the phrase 'can't help but.' It should be followed by a base verb ('I can't help but wonder') and not an infinitive ('I can't help but to wonder' is incorrect).

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