What part of speech is “home”

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as a noun, 'home' primarily refers to a place where someone lives or the environment where something is native or most common.

used for referring to a dwelling place; indicating origin or native environment; referring to a final destination or target.

I left my keys at home.

The tiger's home is in the jungle.

The runner was heading for home plate.

'home' can be both specific (referring to one's own dwelling) and general (referring to any dwelling or habitat).


as an adjective, 'home' describes something that is related to or characteristic of one's residence.

We had a home dinner with the family.

The home team has an advantage in the game.

She has a home office where she works.

'home' as an adjective often emphasizes the domestic or native aspect of something.


as a verb, 'home' means to move or be aimed towards a particular target or destination.

referring to the action of moving towards a specific target or goal.

The missile homed in on its target.

Pigeons have the ability to home back to their nests.

the phrase 'home in on' means to focus or move closer to a specific target or goal.


as an adverb, 'home' describes the direction of movement towards one's residence or a final destination.

used for indicating movement towards a residence or original location; referring to the completion of an action.

I'm going home after work.

The arrow struck home, hitting the target.

He drove the point home during the debate.

when used as an adverb, 'home' doesn't typically require a preposition before it (e.g., 'I'm going home' not 'I'm going to home').

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