What part of speech is “in-addition-to”

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the phrase 'in addition to' is used as a preposition to indicate inclusion or accumulation. It serves to introduce something that is being added to what has already been mentioned or is present.

'in addition to' is followed by a noun, pronoun, or gerund (the -ing form of a verb that functions as a noun). It is used to emphasize the supplementary nature of the information being added.

In addition to the main course, the restaurant offers a complimentary dessert.

In addition to her day job, she volunteers at the local animal shelter.

He has a deep knowledge of history. In addition to that, he's well-versed in art and culture.

'In addition to' is not the same as 'in addition.' The former is a preposition, while the latter can act as a conjunction or conjunctive adverb. For instance, 'In addition to his skills, he has experience.' vs. 'He has skills. In addition, he has experience.' It's essential to ensure that what follows 'in addition to' is parallel in structure to what came before. For instance, 'In addition to playing the guitar, he sings.' is correct, but 'In addition to play the guitar, he sings.' is not. Avoid redundancy. Using 'in addition to' with other similar phrases or words can be repetitive. For example, 'Also, in addition to his regular job, he does freelance work.' Here, 'also' is redundant.

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