What part of speech is “known”

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the adjective form of known describes something that is recognized or identified. It can be used to refer to something which has been determined to be true or something that is already familiar. For example, 'The known universe contains billions of planets.'

rules associated with using 'known' as an adjective include

it must always come before the noun it modifies; it is often followed by an article (e.g. 'the') and the noun; it can also be used as part of a compound adjective (e.g. 'well-known').

1. The known sources of the odor have not yet been determined.

2. She is a known figure in the entertainment industry.

3. They have compiled a list of known UFO sightings.

when using 'known' as an adjective, double check whether an article or another adjective is required in order to complete the sense of the sentence. Also, remember that 'known' usually modifies a noun, and therefore should not be used alone.


as a verb, 'known' is the past participle form of the verb 'know.' As a verb, 'know' means to be aware of through observation, inquiry, or information. When used in its past participle form, 'known' often pairs with auxiliary verbs to create verb tenses, such as the present perfect, past perfect, and passive voice.

'known' is often used with 'have,' 'has,' or 'had' to form the present perfect or past perfect tenses.

It can also be used in passive constructions.

She has known him for over a decade.

By the time the news broke, the secret had already been known by many.

The artist is known for his unique style of painting.

remember that 'known' is not the simple past tense of 'know.' The simple past tense is 'knew.' 'Known' is often used in contexts where the emphasis is on the state or condition resulting from a past action, rather than the action itself. Avoid confusing 'known' with 'knew.' Use 'knew' for simple past situations and 'known' for present perfect, past perfect, or passive situations.

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