What part of speech is “lively”

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as an adjective, 'lively' describes a noun in terms of its vivacity, energy, or spiritedness. It can refer to both animate and inanimate subjects.

used to describe someone or something that is full of life, energy, or enthusiasm. Can also describe a place or event that is bustling with activity or excitement.

The children were lively after eating too much sugar.

The market was lively with vendors and shoppers.

Her lively personality made her popular among her peers.

'lively' is often used in a positive context, but depending on the situation, it can sometimes imply excessive energy or activity. Don't confuse 'lively' with 'alive.' While both can mean 'full of life,' 'alive' is more about the state of being alive, whereas 'lively' often refers to the manner or quality of that life.


as an adverb, 'lively' modifies a verb, adjective, or other adverb to describe an action that is done with energy, enthusiasm, or vivacity.

wsed to describe the manner in which an action is performed when it's done with energy or enthusiasm.

The children played lively in the park.

She danced lively across the stage.

The conversation moved lively as they debated the topic.

while 'lively' can be used as an adverb, it's less common than its adjectival form. In many cases, 'livelily' might be expected as the adverbial form, but it's rarely used in modern English. Instead, 'lively' is accepted in both roles. Be cautious with redundancy. For instance, saying 'She danced energetically lively' is redundant since both 'energetically' and 'lively' convey similar meanings in this context.

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