What part of speech is “lovely”

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in some contexts, 'lovely' can be used as a noun to refer to a person who is lovely, especially a woman. It's a somewhat dated and less common usage.

often used in a poetic or affectionate context. Can be used to address someone in an endearing manner.

The dance floor was filled with young lovelies swaying to the music.

'Come here, my lovely,' he said to his daughter.

The film featured a tale of a sailor and a coastal lovely.

using 'lovely' as a noun can sound old-fashioned or overly poetic in modern everyday conversation. It's essential to ensure that using 'lovely' as a noun doesn't come off as patronizing or demeaning, especially when referring to women.


as an adjective, 'lovely' describes something or someone that is attractive or pleasant in appearance or character. It conveys a sense of beauty, charm, or delight.

used to describe physical appearance, especially in the context of beauty or attractiveness. Can also describe non-physical attributes, such as character or demeanor. Often used to express approval or admiration.

She wore a lovely dress to the party.

The weather today is simply lovely.

He has a lovely personality, always making everyone around him smile.

'lovely' can sometimes be overused in casual conversation, which might dilute its impact. It's good to be mindful of this and use it where it genuinely applies. In British English, 'lovely' is often used in a broader sense, even to describe feelings or experiences, e.g., 'I had a lovely time.'

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