What part of speech is “married”

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married is an adjective that describes a state of having been joined with another person in marriage. This adjective is typically used to denote the legal union of two people that is typically official and lawful.

the rules for using the word married as an adjective are relatively simple and require that the adjective be used to qualify the noun 'couple.' It is also important to take gender into account so that the correct possessive pronoun is used.

1. 'The married couple had two children.'

2. 'They looked so happy together, as married couples should be.'

3. 'They became married over the summer and celebrated with a big party.'

when using the word married as an adjective, be wary of the possessive pronouns used with the couple. If the couple is a heterosexual couple, the possessive pronoun should reflect both partners and include 'his' and 'hers.' In the case of gender-neutral couples, the appropriate pronoun should be used to avoid implying either gender. Furthermore, it is important to note that the adjective does not describe a relationship between two people but a status of legal union.


when 'married' is used as a verb, it refers to the act of entering into the institution of marriage or the act of performing a marriage ceremony. It can be used in both active and passive voice constructions.

'married' is the past tense and past participle form of the verb 'marry.' It can be used in various tenses with the help of auxiliary verbs. When used in passive voice, it often implies that someone was wedded or was the subject of a marriage ceremony.

They married in a quiet ceremony last year. (Past tense)

She is married to John. (Passive voice, indicating the state of being in a marriage)

They have married several couples at that church. (Present perfect tense)

'marry' can also mean to combine or unite harmoniously, especially in phrases like 'marry flavors' in cooking, but 'married' in this sense is less common. Be cautious with the prepositions that follow 'married.' For instance, one gets 'married to' someone but 'marries' someone without the preposition. A common mistake is confusing 'marry' with 'merry' due to their similar pronunciation in some dialects. The former relates to the institution of marriage, while the latter means cheerful or joyous.

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