What part of speech is “might”

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might is a noun that refers to physical or mental strength, power, or energy. It can also be used to indicate the probability or possibility of a certain thing happening or being true. For example, 'Might is right' is an old proverb.

Might can be used as a possessive noun ('the might of the emperor', 'the people’s might') or a subject complement in certain constructions ('the solution might not work').

1. We hope for a future in which might does not make right.

2. There is a might of feeling behind the protests.

It is generally accepted to use might with a negative word (such as 'not', 'no', 'never', etc.) or in a future tense. Also, when using might as a predicate noun, it usually implies a greater degree of possibility.


Might is used as a modal verb to express possibility or to indicate that something might happen in the future. It is weaker than the verb 'will', and implies that something could theoretically happen, but isn’t necessarily likely.

Might is often used as an indirect way of suggesting that something might take place. It is also used as an alternative to 'could' in certain circumstances.

1. The forecast says it might rain tomorrow.

2. He might go to the beach if the weather is good.

3. We might see each other again someday.

Might can be used in a hypothetical setting, but is not usually used for something that is certain to take place. Additionally, it is more appropriate to use might if the speaker isn’t sure whether something will take place, or if something isn’t definite.

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