What part of speech is “mood”

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mood is a state of mind or feeling, typically expressed as a sentiment or an emotional attitude towards a given situation. It is commonly associated with words like 'cheerful', 'sad', and 'anxious'. For example, if someone comments 'you’re in a great mood today', they would be referencing the positive sentiment they are perceiving from that person.

its usage as a noun usually references either a permanent or transient emotion, and can be applied to both humans and animals. Therefore, someone could say, 'His mood was very happy' as an explanation for their pet dog’s behavior.

1. When I saw my friend after so long, it immediately improved my mood.

2. Yesterday I was in a bad mood, so I decided to take a walk and enjoy some fresh air.

3. My boss’s bad mood was reflected in his team’s performance.

it is important to note that 'mood' can also be used to refer to the general atmosphere of an environment, such as 'the meeting had a positive mood'. Additionally, when using 'mood' as a noun, it is not necessary to use any articles ('a' or 'the') before it.


to mood is to change one’s preferred emotion in response to a situation or external stimulus. This action can be done either passively or actively, either in one’s own behavior or in an attempt to influence the behavior of another.

in this capacity, mood is usually used reflexively, in clauses in which the subject and object are both either the speaker or 'one another'. For example, the sentence 'He mooded the conversation' could mean that either he was affected by the conversation, or he was attempting to change the conversation in a certain direction with his comments.

1. Don’t try to mood me with your excuses.

2. I attempted to mood the situation by bringing up a funny story.

3. We mooded the party with upbeat music.

in this capacity, 'mood' is often expressed colloquially, and its usage has become increasingly more frequent in informal conversations and online contexts.

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