What part of speech is “more”

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an adjective is a word that modifies or describes a noun or a pronoun. The adjective 'more' is used to compare between two or more people, things, places, ideas, or experiences. It is often used to indicate a greater amount or degree of something. For example, 'This one is more expensive' or 'Sharon is more interesting than Mike'.

rules and use cases for this adjective involve the use of comparative and superlative adjectives. Specifically, it is used with adjectives that are not easily converted to their comparative forms by simply adding '-er' or their superlative forms by adding '-est'. For instance, while we say 'taller' for 'tall', we use 'more beautiful' instead of 'beautifuler'.

This book is more informative than the other one.

The journey became more challenging as they ascended the mountain.

She is more dedicated to her work than her peers.

when using 'more' as an adjective, it's essential to ensure that the adjective being modified doesn't have its own comparative form. For instance, while 'more happy' is technically correct, 'happier' is the preferred form. The adjective 'more' is often used with multi-syllable adjectives. For single-syllable adjectives, it's usually more natural to add '-er' to form the comparative. Be cautious about double comparatives. Avoid saying things like 'more better' or 'more faster'; these are grammatically incorrect.


a pronoun is a word that replaces or refers to a noun or an entire phrase. The pronoun 'more' is used to refer to something that was previously mentioned. It is often seen in the phrase 'more of', indicating a continuation or repetition of a previous action or event. For example, 'I want more of that dessert'. The pronoun 'more' can be used to indicate quantity, typically with the words 'many', 'few', 'several', 'a lot', or 'some' preceding it. For example, 'There are a lot more people here than I expected'.

rules and use cases for this pronoun include using it to refer to previously mentioned nouns or phrases, as well as to indicate quantity.

1. More of the same mistakes will get you in trouble.

2. We have a few more items we need to discuss.

3. Do you have any more questions?

when using the pronoun 'more' to refer to something previously mentioned, make sure to indicate which noun or phrase you are referring to. Also, the pronoun 'more' should be used with words like 'many', 'few', 'several', 'a lot', or 'some' to indicate quantity.


an adverb is a word that modifies a verb, an adjective, another adverb, or a clause. The primary role of the adverb 'more' is to add emphasis to words or phrases. It is often used for a comparative or an intensive effect, i.e. it describes the degree of difference between two things. For example, one could say 'She made more noise than usual' or 'I am more interested in literature than physics'.

rules and use cases for this adverb include the formality of the context. In a more formal context, the word 'more' should not be used as emphasis, and other words such as 'greater', 'higher', or 'larger' should be used instead.

1. She ran more quickly than before.

2. Today, the temperature is more than it was yesterday.

3. She was more than happy to help.

the word 'more' should not be used in formal contexts as an intensifier and words such as 'greater', 'higher', or 'larger' should be used instead.

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