What part of speech is “most”

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most can be used as an adjective to describe something that is superlative or greater in degree in comparison to something else. For example, most people might require assistance with a complex problem. This refers to a majority of people. Most can also be used to describe something that is considered the greatest in magnitude or amount in comparison to other things. For example, this is the most beautiful beach I have ever seen.

'most' will usually be used to describe people or things that are significantly greater in degree, quantity, or magnitude than other people or things. Most is usually used as an adjective, but it can also act as an adverb in some cases. It is important to note that when most is used to describe a superlative, it cannot be compared to more or less.

1. Most people prefer hot weather over cold weather.

2. She had the most impressive portfolio I have ever seen.

3. This park has the most breathtaking views.

when using most to describe a superlative, avoid comparing it with more or less. Additionally, overuse of most can make your sentences seem repetitive.


as a pronoun, 'most' refers to the majority of an amount or the greatest part of something.

'most' can be used to refer to the majority of a specific group or quantity. It can stand alone without a noun following it, especially when the noun it refers to is clear from the context.

Most of the students passed the exam.

I ate some of the cookies, but I saved the most for later.

Some people enjoy hiking, but most prefer to relax at the beach.

'most' as a pronoun can sometimes be followed by 'of,' especially when referring to a specific group, e.g., 'most of the time' or 'most of the people.' Avoid redundancy. For instance, 'most majority' is redundant; use 'most' or 'majority.'

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