What part of speech is “name”

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name is a noun that means labels used for identification and classification, often denoting a particular person, place, or thing. A name can also be used to refer to a body of people, such as a 'democracy by name'. Name is also used as a catch-all term for titles or descriptions, such as 'the name of the book' or 'the name of the game'. In grammar, a name can be a subject or object of a verb.

1. It’s easy to remember the names of people you meet.

2. He couldn’t recall the name of the store he went to.

3. The name of the restaurant is written on the sign.

unless it is part of a quotation, the word 'name' should always be preceded by the article 'the'. It is also important not to confuse 'name' and 'title'; the former is more appropriate for generic references, while 'title' is used for titles assigned to something.


as an adjective, name can be used to describe something that is specific or generally known; for example, 'the name actor' or 'a name brand'.

1. We have a name physician in our family.

2. I chose the name brand blender for quality.

3. She was the name artist to be featured in the museum.

be cautious not to overuse 'name' as an adjective, as it can make the sentence sound redundant or unnecessary. For instance, if the context already establishes that a person or brand is well-known, there's no need to specify it again with 'name.' 'Name' as an adjective is often used in contexts where the prominence or reputation of the subject is relevant to the discussion. It's not just about recognition but also about a certain level of respect or acknowledgment in their field. Avoid confusing 'name' as an adjective with other uses of the word 'name.' For example, 'What's your name?' Here, 'name' is a noun, not an adjective. In some contexts, using 'name' as an adjective can come off as informal or colloquial. Be mindful of your audience and the tone you wish to convey.


to name is to assign a title to an individual or thing, often in discussion or conversation. Names can be given at the time of birth, in a naming ceremony, or simply in everyday conversations and interactions. It can also refer to the act of correctly identifying or identifying a person or thing; for example, 'the detective named the suspect'.

1. We named our baby after her grandfather.

2. The professor named the new species of frog.

3. I can’t seem to remember the name of the restaurant.

it is important to note that when 'name' is used as a verb, it is used in the same way as 'call' or 'title' and not as its noun form.

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