What part of speech is “others”

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'others' can occasionally be used as a noun to refer to other people, especially in a context where their identity is not the primary focus, and the emphasis is on their difference or distinction from a primary group.

this usage is less common and is typically found in more formal or literary contexts. It's often used in contexts where there's a clear distinction between one group and everyone else.

We must consider the needs of the others.

The community was divided

some supported the decision, the others vehemently opposed it.

He always put the well-being of others before his own.

when using 'others' as a noun, ensure that the context clearly establishes who or what 'the others' refers to. Be cautious not to overuse this form, as it can sound overly formal or vague in everyday conversation.


'others' as a pronoun is used to refer to people or things in addition to those already mentioned or known. It can represent both people and things, depending on the context.

use 'others' when referring to an additional group or number of individuals or things, especially when making a distinction or comparison. It can be used on its own or followed by a prepositional phrase to provide more specific information.

Some students finished the test early, while others needed more time.

I have read these books, but I haven't read the others on the shelf.

Some people prefer coffee; others like tea.

'others' is plural. Do not use it to refer to a single person or thing. For singular, use 'another' or 'the other.' Avoid redundant phrases like 'other ones.' Instead of saying 'I don’t like these shoes; I prefer the other ones,' simply say 'I don’t like these shoes; I prefer the others.'

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