What part of speech is “otherwise”

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an adverb is a part of speech that modifies or describes a verb, an adjective, another adverb, a phrase, or a clause. In the case of 'otherwise,' it is used to indicate that the situation being discussed would be different if something else had happened.

'Otherwise' can be used to compare different outcomes when other factors are taken into account. This can be used to describe hypothetical scenarios. Additionally, the adverb 'otherwise' can be used to describe a state or condition that would exist if not for a particular fact or circumstance.

1. 'He was a great student otherwise.'

2. 'She would be content otherwise.'

3. 'The plan would work otherwise.'

the adverb 'otherwise' gives specificity to a sentence, illustrating the relationship between two states or outcomes. It is important to note that in English, the adverb is typically placed at the end of a phrase, before the verb. When placing the adverb at the beginning of a phrase, it is typically followed by a comma.

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