What part of speech is “participle”

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as a noun, 'participle' refers to a form of a verb that is used in a sentence to modify a noun, noun phrase, verb, or verb phrase, and thus plays a role similar to that of an adjective or adverb. English has two types of participles

the present participle and the past participle.

The present participle is formed by adding '-ing' to the base form of a verb (e.g., 'running,' 'singing'). It can be used to form continuous tenses (e.g., 'I am running') or as an adjective (e.g., 'a running stream'). The past participle often ends in '-ed' for regular verbs (e.g., 'walked,' 'danced'), but can be irregular for some verbs (e.g., 'run' becomes 'run,' 'go' becomes 'gone'). It can be used to form perfect tenses (e.g., 'I have walked') or as an adjective (e.g., 'a broken vase').

The participle 'broken' in 'a broken window' describes the window.

In the sentence 'Having finished her homework, she went to bed,' 'Having finished' is a participial phrase.

The verb 'run' has the present participle 'running' and the past participle 'run.'

It's essential to differentiate between the present and past participle forms of verbs, especially for irregular verbs. Participial phrases should be placed close to the noun they modify to avoid confusion. For instance, 'Seen from the hill, the landscape was breathtaking.' Here, it's the landscape that was seen from the hill. Dangling participles are a common mistake. For example, 'Walking into the room, the lights were bright.' This sentence is unclear about who was walking into the room.

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