What part of speech is “plump”

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the noun form of 'plump' is quite rare. When used, it might refer to a sudden heavy fall or the sound made by it.

it's used to denote a specific event or sound.

The apple hit the ground with a plump.

I heard the plump of the stone as it dropped into the pond.

this usage is quite rare, so it's essential to ensure that the context makes it clear when using 'plump' as a noun.


'plump' as an adjective describes someone or something that is slightly fat, but in a pleasant way. It can also refer to something that is full, rounded, and somewhat fleshy in appearance.

She has a plump face with rosy cheeks.

The plump tomatoes looked juicy and ripe.

The baby's plump little arms were so cute.

'plump' as an adjective generally has a positive or neutral connotation, unlike some other words that might mean overweight or fat.


when 'plump' is used as a verb, it typically means to drop, set down, or throw heavily or suddenly. It can also mean to shake or fluff up (like a pillow) to restore its shape.

it can be used both transitively (with an object) and intransitively (without an object).

She plumped her bag down on the table.

He plumped himself into the chair.

Can you plump up these cushions?

don't confuse the verb 'plump' with the adjective form. The verb often involves an action of setting down or fluffing up.


'plump' as an adverb is less common and is used to describe doing something suddenly or heavily, often with a bit of force.

The book fell plump on the floor.

He sat down plump beside me.

this usage is less common, so it might sound a bit old-fashioned or literary in some contexts.

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