What part of speech is “present”

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as a noun, 'present' refers to a gift or something given to someone without the expectation of payment or anything in return. It can also refer to the current moment in time.

She gave me a present for my birthday.

Living in the present is essential for mental well-being.

The past is history, the future is a mystery, but today is a gift. That's why it's called the present.

be aware of the context in which you're using 'present.' The word can change its meaning based on its role in the sentence. Don't confuse the verb form of 'present' (pre-SENT) with the noun/adjective form (PRE-sent). They have different stresses on the syllables. The adjective form can sometimes be confused with 'current' or 'contemporary,' but while they can be synonymous in some contexts, they aren't always interchangeable.


as an adjective, 'present' describes something that exists or is happening now, or something/someone that is in a particular place.

There were 20 students present in the class today.

The present situation is quite complicated.

Is Mr. Smith present at the meeting?


as a verb, 'present' means to introduce someone or something to an audience, to give something to someone, or to show or offer something for others to view or consider.

She will present the findings of the research tomorrow.

I'd like to present you with this certificate of achievement.

The chef presents the dish beautifully with garnishes.

It can be used in formal situations, like presenting someone with an award or presenting a topic in a meeting.

It's also used in contexts where something is being shown or displayed.

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