What part of speech is “problem”

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The noun ‘problem’ is used to describe a situation or a process that is difficult to solve.

it is typically used immediately after adjectives such as ‘big’, ‘small’, ‘difficult’, or ‘complex’ to describe the problem. When introducing a problem it is often used as a countable noun (e.g., 'The problem is…').' It is often preceded by phrases such as ‘the issue’, ‘the problem’ or ‘the dilemma’.

1. 'The biggest problem facing our society today is environmental pollution.'

2. 'We have to find a solution to this problem soon.'

3. 'This problem is more complex than we thought.'

common mistakes include incorrect usage of the article when referring to the problem (e.g. ‘A problem is…’), as well as incorrect usage of the verb associated with the problem. For example, instead of ‘solve the problem’, one should use ‘solve the issue’ or ‘solve the dilemma’.


when 'problem' is used in an adjectival capacity, it typically describes something related to or associated with a problem or difficulty.

The company is addressing its problem-solving capabilities.

He has a problem-child reputation in the classroom.

The project is in a problem-area due to budget constraints.

When 'problem' is used as part of a compound adjective before a noun, it's typically hyphenated, as in 'problem-solving skills' or 'problem-area.' It's essential to differentiate between the noun and compound adjectival uses. For instance, 'This is a problem' (noun) vs. 'problem-solving techniques' (compound adjective).

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