What part of speech is “respect”

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as a noun, 'respect' refers to a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements. It can also refer to a particular aspect, point, or detail.

'respect' can be used both in singular and plural forms. The plural form 'respects' often refers to greetings or regards. 'Respect' can be modified by adjectives to specify the type or nature of the respect, e.g., 'mutual respect,' 'self-respect.'

She has earned the respect of her peers through her dedication.

In some cultures, bowing is a sign of respect.

In this respect, the new law is more lenient.

'with all due respect' is a common phrase used to politely disagree or voice an opinion that might be contrary to what another person has said. 'In respect of' is a formal phrase meaning 'concerning' or 'with regard to.


as a verb, 'respect' means to admire deeply, as a result of their abilities, qualities, or achievements. It can also mean to have due regard for the feelings, wishes, rights, or traditions of others.

'respect' as a verb is transitive, which means it usually takes a direct object. It can be used in various tenses like any other regular verb, e.g., 'respected,' 'respecting.'

We should always respect the rights of others.

She respects her elders and listens to their advice.

The local customs are respected by the tourists.

'respect' as a verb is often followed by a direct object to indicate who or what is being respected. The phrase 'respect yourself' is an encouragement for someone to have self-worth and dignity.

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