What part of speech is “sentence”

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as a noun, 'sentence' primarily refers to a set of words that is complete in itself, conveying a statement, question, exclamation, or command. It typically contains a subject and predicate. Additionally, 'sentence' can also refer to the punishment assigned to someone convicted of a crime.

a sentence in the grammatical sense is a linguistic unit consisting of one or more words that are grammatically linked, expressing a complete thought. In a legal context, a sentence refers to the punishment given by a judge in court to someone found guilty of a crime.

The teacher asked the students to write a sentence using the word 'benevolent.'

The jury found him guilty, and the judge handed down a ten-year sentence.

A well-constructed sentence can convey thoughts clearly and effectively.

in grammar, a complete sentence should have at least a subject and a verb and express a complete thought. For example, 'She reads.' In legal contexts, the term 'sentence' can be used both as a verb (to sentence someone) and as a noun (the sentence given). Avoid run-on sentences in writing, where two independent clauses are joined without an appropriate conjunction or punctuation. Ensure clarity when using 'sentence' in conversation or writing, as its meaning can vary based on context (grammatical vs. legal). In everyday language, 'sentence' is most commonly understood in the grammatical sense. However, in legal contexts, it's crucial to recognize its meaning related to punishment. Proper context will usually make the intended meaning clear.


as a verb, 'sentence' refers to the act of declaring a punishment for someone, especially in a legal context. It is the action taken by a judge or court when determining the punishment for someone found guilty of a crime.

'sentence' as a verb is primarily used in legal contexts. It is a transitive verb, meaning it requires a direct object. The direct object is typically the person being sentenced.

The judge sentenced him to five years in prison for the crime.

She was sentenced to community service after admitting to the minor offense.

If found guilty, he could be sentenced to life imprisonment.

when using 'sentence' as a verb, ensure that the context makes it clear that you are referring to a legal judgment or punishment. The verb 'sentence' is often followed by a preposition, typically 'to,' when indicating the specific punishment. For example, 'He was sentenced to ten years.' Avoid using 'sentence' as a verb outside of legal contexts, as it might confuse readers or listeners.

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