What part of speech is “shall”

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shall is most often used as an auxiliary verb, indicating forecast of the future. Shall generally indicates intent, supposition, obligation, or necessity. It is most commonly used in questions and to make offers—for instance, to express certainty about something that will happen. For example, 'We shall arrive in time.' It also can be used to make requests or suggestions, such as, 'Shall we start by discussing the budget?'

1. We shall be the first to find the answer.

2. Shall I help you with the project?

3. I shall not be deterred by the obstacles in my way.

when used with 'I' or 'we', shall indicates a strong sense of determination and self-assurance. When using 'shall' in the imperative or second person, avoid making it sound too formal or demanding. Common mistakes include using 'will' when it is not appropriate to do so, or not using it when it is the correct word to use. Be aware that 'shall' has somewhat lost its effectiveness in modern English, so it can often sound overly formal or affected if used incorrectly.

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