What part of speech is “sheepishly”

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the adverb 'sheepishly' is used to describe a behavior that is bashful, embarrassed, or shy - usually as a result of having done something wrong.

the adverb can be preceded by an auxiliary verb (e.g. 'he apologised sheepishly'). The adverb can also be placed after the verb (e.g. 'he sheepishly smiled'). It is important to note that a sentence containing this adverb must also include a subject that is doing something to show their bashfulness or shyness.

1. He sheepishly turned his gaze away from the other children.

2. She stepped forward sheepishly, knowing she had been caught red-handed.

3. He smiled sheepishly as he made his excuses and left.

it is important to note that the adverb 'sheepishly' should only be used to describe a bashful behavior and not a timid one; the latter is more accurately expressed using the adverb 'timidly'.

When using this adverb, be conscious of the context in which it is being placed. For example, the adverb can express playful bashfulness or embarrassment, depending on the context in which it is being used.

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