What part of speech is “should-have”

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is a modal verb phrase. Modal verbs are auxiliary verbs that express necessity, possibility, obligation, or permission. 'Should have' specifically expresses a missed obligation or opportunity in the past.

'should have' is used to indicate something that was recommended or expected in the past but did not occur. It can express regret, criticism, or hindsight. 'Should have' is followed by a past participle to form this construction. It's used to talk about past events that did not happen but were recommended or expected.

You should have called me when you arrived.

I should have studied more for the exam.

They should have taken the highway to avoid the traffic.

common mistake is the contraction 'should've,' which often gets misheard and subsequently miswritten as 'should of.' It's important to remember that the correct form is 'should have' or 'should've.' 'Should have' is often used in the negative form as 'shouldn't have' to express something that was not recommended or was a mistake. Example 'He shouldn't have eaten that cake; he's allergic to nuts'. Understanding the proper use of 'should have' can help in expressing regrets or missed opportunities in the past accurately.

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