What part of speech is “spring”

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Spring is a noun that means a season of the year filled with growth, joy, and possibility. It is usually associated with warmer weather, fresh flowers, and longer days. In grammar, a noun is a word that acts as the subject or object of a clause or a phrase and is used to refer to a person, place, thing, quality, or experience.

1. Everyone looks forward to the spring because of the warm weather and the beautiful flowers.

2. I can't wait for the spring because I'll be able to start playing tennis again.

3. The spring air is so refreshing after a long, cold winter.

when using the noun 'spring', be sure to use the article 'the' before it, as the noun is uncountable.


as an adjective, 'spring' describes something that is related to or occurs during the season of spring, which is one of the four temperate seasons, following winter and preceding summer.

The spring collection of the fashion brand was vibrant and colorful.

She wore a spring dress with floral patterns.

The spring weather is perfect for a picnic.

when using 'spring' as an adjective, it's important to ensure that it's clear you're describing something related to the spring season, rather than referring to the noun form (like a coil or a source of water) or the verb form (like jumping). Context usually helps in distinguishing.


spring can also be a verb used to describe the action of jumping, bounding, or leaping upwards. In grammar, a verb is a word that usually denotes an action, event, or state of being. It is considered a 'dynamic' part of speech, as its meaning changes based on context. All verbs are associated with particular verb tenses, which affect how the verb is conjugated. The verb 'spring' is conjugated in the present tense by adding '-s' in third person singular ('he/she/it springs').

1. The kids are springing across the playground.

2. His small dog springs around the living room.

3. The cat springs across the yard.

when conjugating the verb 'spring', be sure to add the appropriate verb ending in the third person singular '-s'. Additionally, be aware that the noun form of 'spring' does not take an article; only the verb form ('springing') does.

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