What part of speech is “still”

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The word 'still' can be used as a noun with the definition of deep silence.

1. The still of the night came into his house.

2. There is a still in the wood.


the word 'still' can also be used as an adjective with the definition of 'motionless.'

it is always preceded by an adverb or determiner, like in this sentence

'The still air filled the room with a thick silence.' It can also be used to describe subtle movements, or lack thereof, such as in this sentence

'The still bodies motionlessly stirred, as if the air was standing still.'

1. The still trees seemed to whisper secrets in the still night.

2. He stilled at the sound of her voice and quickly turned his head towards her.

3. She waited for a long time, but the stillness of the room never lifted.

The adjective 'still' should never be preceded by an auxiliary verb, such as 'to be.' Using the wrong construction can completely change the meaning of the sentence. For example, 'The still air filled the room' versus 'The air was still filling the room.'


as a verb, 'still' means to make calm or quiet, to soothe, or to bring to a standstill.

She tried to still her racing heart.

The teacher stilled the noisy classroom.

The wind stilled, and everything was silent.

When using 'still' as a verb, it often requires an object to indicate what is being calmed or brought to a standstill.

The verb form of 'still' is less commonly used in modern English compared to its adverbial form.


as an adverb, 'still' is used to indicate that a situation or action is continuing up to the present time or to emphasize that something remains the case.

She is still working at the same company.

I still think about you from time to time.

Are you still watching that movie?

When using 'still' as an adverb, its placement can vary in the sentence, but it's often positioned before the main verb or between the auxiliary verb and the main verb. Avoid placing 'still' at the end of a sentence in formal writing. For instance, 'Are you watching that movie still?' is less formal than 'Are you still watching that movie?'

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